Sunland - Home School Program
13216 Leach St., Sylmar, CA 91342
1-800-525-4419 / 818-523-6791 / fax: 818-362-1489
National / Accredited
an Application
Concurrent Enrollment or Summer School
Authorization Form
Student applying for concurrent or summer school enrollment must receive approval from their school counselor.
(Print out this form and submit to your counselor.)
To be filled out by high school counselor.
Student Name: __________________________________________
Grade: _______ DOB: ______________________
Courses To Be Taken:
List course title, length - semester (A or B) or year, and which term it is to be accomplished (school year or summer)
Course Length Term
_________________________________________________________ _________________
_________________________________________________________ _________________
_________________________________________________________ _________________
School: _________________________________________________________ ___________
Address: _________________________________________________________ __________
City, State, Zip: _________________________________________________________ ____
School Phone: _________________________________________________________ ______
Counselor: _________________________________________________________ _________
Signature: _________________________________________________________ _________
Date: ______________